| John Robinson Consulting, Inc. is a Small Business Enterprise (SBE) certified water and wastewater consulting firm offering a range of services. The firm is well qualified to perform a variety of consulting services including grant/loan identification and assistance, Owner’s Representation and Project Management, PLA/CCP compliance, pipeline and pump station design, water resources systems feasibility and concept reports, UWMP development, Title 22 permitting, well design and rehabilitation, AWT design, potable and recycled water regulation guidance, recycled water customer conversions and construction administration and management. Recently, JRC has been working on Cross-Connection Control Plan template for 24 Public Water Systems in Orange County and prepare a number of CCCP’s for PWS. While located in Los Angeles County, John Robinson Consulting, Inc. has extensive project experience throughout Southern California. Our founder John Robinson grew up in Orange County and started John Robinson Consulting, Inc. in 2013 to continue his passion for consulting work with a focus on personalized customer service. John Robinson has over 30 years of consulting and management experience in the private sector for cities, ports, special districts, water districts, wastewater clients and industrial clients. This knowledge and program management experience that John Robinson will provide you will be the highest standard of consulting services while ensuring deadlines are met and expectations exceeded. He has been involved in feasibility analysis reporting, regulation review, feasibility and master studies, technology evaluation and recommendations for groundwater, drinking water and wastewater systems, preparation concept, preliminary and final reports, as well as process and mechanical design for new and expansions of water, wastewater, recycled water and groundwater facilities. Mr. Robinson has worked closely with regulatory agencies (Regional Water Quality Control Board, State Water Resources Control Board Division of Drinking Water, Orange County Healthcare Agency and South Coast Air Quality Control Board) with permitting jurisdiction for water, wastewater, recycled water and groundwater projects. Mr. Robinson has authored/presented over 50 papers on a variety of topics but primarily on recycled water to American Water Works Association (AWWA), American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), American Public Works Association (APWA), Water Environment Federation (WEF) and WateReuse Foundation (WateReuse). Mr. Robinson is currently the President of the WateReuse Inland Empire Chapter and formally the President of CWEA Los Angeles Basin Section and former Board Member of the Orange County Water Association Small Business Enterprise No. 292299 via Metropolitan Water District John Robinson Consulting, Inc. |